Review: newKube MP3 Player

by | May 27, 2017

If you’ve been following this blog and you’ve read my past reviews, you’ll know that I’m an audiophile. I’m very picky when it comes to audio players and sound systems I buy and use, and I don’t mind spending a premium to get the quality I want. Thankfully, when it comes to listening to music while mobile, I can count on my newKube mp3 player.

newKube mp3 player in red and black

newKube is the smallest mp3 player I’ve seen so far and it’s super cute! When I finally got hold of this for my review (and a giveaway – read on!!), I was honestly unsure if it’ll deliver high fidelity sound because it was too fricking small. 😀 Didn’t they say to not judge a book by its cover? 😉

First impressions: The newKube mp3 player is made of plastic. I haven’t really dropped this to the ground yet (not that I’m planning to – I wouldn’t risk it :D), but it looked durable enough to handle a few drops.

newKube MP3 Player unboxing photos

It’s really small, if you haven’t realized that yet, that I can hold it with just 3 fingers, or even 2. It’s like holding a die or an ice cube.

On each side, you’ll find the different buttons and controls you can use for playback. On one side, you’ll see the Play and Pause button. That small circular hole you’ll see here is the light indicator. It’ll light up in red if it needs charging, or blue when it’s full, or blinking blue when playing a song.

Controls and buttons all around the newKube MP3 player

On two opposite sides, you’ll find the volume control and previous and next buttons. Then you’ll find these 2 small controls that you can easily slide into place to use their functions. The top control has functions for playback: All (normal playback), One (loop one song – I love this!), and Shuffle (random playback).

Then the second control is for Off, On and Lock. Based on my experience, the lock control is VERY helpful to prevent any accidental pressing on the buttons, especially when it’s in your pocket or bag. I tried not locking this while in my bag and it’s irritating that it keeps on getting pressed to go on to the previous or next song, or even pausing. Smart for them to add this lock control. 🙂

How to charge the newKube MP3 player or copy mp3 files to it

Finally, there’s this one side of the newKube mp3 player that’s meant for your headphones or USB-audio jack, and for the microSD memory card slot.

newKube MP3 player comes with a USB-audio jack cable and a pair of earphones

The package comes with a 2GB microSD memory card, by the way, so you can start downloading your favorite jams into the card. And there’s a pair of earphones included too.

What I love about this, aside from the sound quality which I’ll talk about in a few, is the microSD Card memory slot. You can expand the memory and you’re no longer limited to the pre-defined internal memory that’s usually the concern with other mp3 players. Very inexpensive to invest on this mp3 player ’cause you don’t have to buy a new one in case you want to increase the memory. 🙂

microSD card memory slot on newKube MP3 player

For me, this is extremely useful if I want to swap memory cards easily. For instance, I can have one microSD card filled with songs for my workouts, for traveling, and for leisure listening. You can even use this for audio books. Since they’re large files, you can use a microSD card of up to 32GB in capacity. Awesome feature, right?! 🙂

You can fill up the memory card using the USB charging cord, or use a separate card reader if you like. Oh, this mp3 player may even double as your microSD card reader. 😀

Copying files into my newKube MP3 Player

Also, as advertised, the newKube mp3 player has a long-lasting battery power that can stay on for up to 6 hours – perfect for travelers! 🙂

My only problem with this is the slightly pointed corners. Okay, I think it’s cute, but it doesn’t look good inside my fitted jeans’ pocket. It’s a li’l bulky when placed in there and it can hurt you even when you accidentally bump into something. This isn’t really a big deal for me since I prefer to keep my mp3 player in my bag. They’re safer in there anyway. 😉

Now, you might be wondering about the audio quality. I was pleasantly surprised! 🙂 It’s very small yet packs a punch when it comes to sound quality. The bass is hard-hitting, and audio is clear. Even my bro who’s a very particular audiophile was impressed. 🙂

Unboxing of newKube MP3 Player

The newKube MP3 Player is priced at Php 1,599 – fair price considering the features you’d get and the audio quality. They come in 4 different colors – red, pink, black and white. You can buy them from selected Astro stores or their website:

newKube MP3 Player comes in 4 colors

newKube MP3 Player




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    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this music player is very easy to use and it fits my lifestyle because I Love Music :

  67. michelle

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it is perfectly awesome by design.

  68. charlyn juano

    i want to win this new mp3 cause it so cute.very adorable and sad i don’t have gadgets like hope to win

  69. Vin Baldonado

    I want to win newKube MP3 Player because i love music so much. i want some gadget which very convenience outdoor and small who object perfect in some outdoor on the go!! I hope im a lucky man to get this because i want also to share this as a gift to my mother who loves music also though i can’t afford to buy this but if i will do my best to have this 🙂


    i want to win the newkube MP3 Player because its cute and handy 🙂

  71. Ma. Karla Shane Orinoco

    I want to win this NewKUBE MP3 player because I wanna give it to my brother 🙂 he’ll enjoy this bigtime 🙂

  72. Ma. Karla Shane Orinoco

    I want to win this NewKUBE MP3 player because I wanna give it to my brother 🙂 he’ll enjoy this bigtime 🙂

  73. Ma. Karla Shane Orinoco

    I want to win the NewKUBE MP3 player because I wanna give it to my brother, he’ll enjoy this bigtime 🙂

  74. jocris

    I want to win the newKube MP3 player because, it is really handy.

  75. Mei Santiago

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s handy and cute.

  76. Cha Sembrano

    I want to win because newKube MP3 Player is the coolest!

    • Cha Sembrano

      I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because,it is the best and coolest!

  77. Mike C

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it would be a nice gift for my gf.

  78. Abby Matic

    I want to win newKube mp3 player becuase I can use this while im taking care of my little dauther. 🙂 please let me 🙂

  79. Valerie Rose de Guzman


  80. Elton

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because there is awesome beyond that box

  81. Philsen Padilla

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s too cute and too cool!

  82. Marc Mac

    Hope to win in this giveaway i am a music lover and i am deserved it. :)) ♥

  83. Rhealyn De Leon

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I truly adore its unique cuteness.

  84. majoy

    I want to win the new Kube MP3 Player because i find it cute because its a cube thing mp3 🙂

  85. HeyDrey

    I want to win the new Kube MP3 Player because it will be very functional especially when I’m travelling and I can also use it during my review for Board Exam.-I’ll save my recordings there. 🙂

  86. Dandy Jesch Alcabasa Pandili

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because It so adorable and collectible gadget 😀

  87. John Rozzelle Savellano

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because It’s so handy & so cool!

  88. Marie Stephanie Goze Tugadi

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I would love to have a new mp3 gadget when traveling to my office. It will be awesome!

  89. Grace Goze-Tugadi

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because music is one of my first love! And I would like to have a new cute and compact mp3 player.

  90. Jesilo Jala

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this is cool and this is handy for me.

  91. Tin Arco

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s small but has great performance!

  92. Albert Santiago

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want a powerful music player…

  93. Claire Santiago

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want a powerful music player…

  94. Dana Biona Dela Cruz

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because music reliefs me from everyday stress.

  95. Ana Macabutas

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because of your article saying it’s cool.

    More power Pinay Reviewer! =)

  96. Mark Louie Meru

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I’m a music lover and this is handy for me.

  97. jaear

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because my wife loves listening to music. I wanna give it to her >.<

  98. Shannen Angeles

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because my sister have one, Inggit ako!

  99. AineGarcia

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because my hubby got my iPod and I have nothing to use. LOL! :p

  100. Sheryl A Baja

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s a perfect gift for my birthday! TIA!

  101. bengbengsokolet

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because music makes my day complete. This will come in very handy! Thanks!

  102. Bajorky Niceman

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because music makes my day complete. This will come in very handy! Thanks!

  103. Maricor Letada

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its simple but unique design and very handy.

  104. Lei

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it is perfect for for travel.

  105. Maki Macatangay

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it is handy to bring wherever I will go!

  106. Rhea Fe P. Poliquin

    i want to win because it’s perfect to travel with this stuff.

  107. Sınl Hcoitna Nasalgnid

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i think it’s perfect for me while im travelling since I don’t bring bag easy to carry.

  108. cherylmatias

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s perfect as my traveling companion ^_^

  109. Mariel Mirador

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i really loved the kube..

  110. Mabel

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s amazingly cute and very useful.

  111. wccamba

    I want to win a new Kube MP3 player

  112. gempachi314

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because IT’S BOOMBASTIC, STYLISTIC, USER FRIENDLY & CUTE…

  113. Nholzkee Alayon

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I’m fond of listening music and want to have newKUBE mp3 because they sounds good.

  114. Nelson

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it perfectly fits my lifestyle as if it was made for me. Hope I win.

  115. Russel Manalastas

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to dance anytime! anywhere! 😉

  116. Jowell Jay Gadiana

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because, i deserve to win. i’m just only a volunteer and i can’t afford to buy this awesome gadget, i want to win for my early christmas gift for my self.

  117. Jam M.

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s perfect for playing Christmas songs!

  118. Anne Vallejos

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to use it while I’m running ! :))

  119. Mizi

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its classy, stylish and a must have a music lover.

  120. tsiremo

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because jogging is fun while playing music.

  121. sonny sanchez

    i want to win this NewKube MP3 Player because reading review of famous gadget is my fashion and ill be proud if ill be the one to get this little cute box of happiness 🙂

  122. Justin!

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it suits to my lifestyle coz it gives me an awesome sound in ultra light
    weight. Very useful when having workout, jogging, and always on the go!
    One word, Awesomazing! 🙂

  123. Trish Gerong

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it is small but not terrible :))

  124. Gelo De Vera

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s CUTE and BASS BOOSTED

  125. Mayla Lagrimas

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s light, very compact & powerful.

  126. joy pineda

    i want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I Don’t have Kube MP3 yet

  127. Camille Eulogio

    I want to win the newKube MP3 player because IT IS STYLISH YET VERY CONVENIENT!

  128. DEAR JOaHN

    I want to win the newKube MP3 player because I WANT to SHARE this CUTE THINGY to my FRIENDS.

  129. Regina Landayan

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want a small and pocketable MP3 player.

  130. missbisckt2002

    I want to win the newKube MP3 player because it’s very handy!

  131. Matess Chua

    I want to win the newKube MP3 because It looks super CUTE

  132. erlinda

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i want to be “in”

  133. Joey C. Enriquez

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s cool and handy!

  134. Guest

    It would be cool to win this newKube MP3 Player

  135. Jelo Manongsong

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s handy! 🙂

  136. Rhea Fe P. Poliquin

    i want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s so cute

  137. arjayberg

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s cool.

  138. katrina

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because we are both small and amazing.

  139. Robert Jonathan Chan

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s so portable and handy to carry

  140. Em-el Dinglasan-Antioquia Leon

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to try out this cute thing 🙂

  141. Emh-el Leonor

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I can use it while travelling.

  142. Ghelo Matic

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I just know I deserve to have it.

  143. Al Sandoval

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s so amazing to have this!

  144. Lorraine

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I can go anywhere with music.

  145. Agustin John Cabredo II

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i will surely use it daily

  146. belinda b. ibanez

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this fits me, i love listening to music.

  147. Marc Mac

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i am a music lover and mp3 Kube Player fits my personality.

  148. Joanna Lou Velasco Tabara

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I love its cute design and features!

  149. Jayson Garrido

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I love Kube and listening music

  150. redamethyst

    ooooppss.. sorry, more than six word..

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because the color is my favorite color.

  151. redamethyst

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its colored red which is my favorite color and I can carry it any where.

  152. Ray Dela Cuesta

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s a Pandora Box of music. 😀


  153. Ray Dela Cuesta

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i want music always playing in my ear beside it soothes me it also increases my productivity when studying and it is also perfect for my active and ready-on-the-go lifestyle.


  154. Lorraine Ilagan

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I can carry it anywhere.

  155. Marinela Diaz

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I need music to energize me.

  156. Kia Maureen Parianes

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i love music. <3

  157. marsha torres

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because listening to music is my daily dose.

  158. demia magadia

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because of my daughter,she love music..

  159. Cornelio Mallare

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I can have my music everywhere I go

  160. Wendy Rose Santillan

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because of my brother. he loves music.

  161. June Rumbaoa Real

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because no more boring long runs.

  162. Aminah Pajota

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because great gadget, i really love music, its so beautiful , awesome, music lover, i can bring it everywhere because its small.

  163. Gizette Cao

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s simply a MUST-HAVE mp3 player!

  164. dima hernandez

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to experience new gadgets and may daughters love the music!

  165. Jimmy Galang

    my kids loves listening to music!

  166. babymharz

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to experience its awesomeness !

  167. newKubelover

    I want to win newKube MP3 player because i think it’s the best music gadget that I can have.:D Thank you for this raffle.:D Hoping to win.:D

  168. Susana Irenea Loyola Borja

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to give it to my son as a gift on his birthday.

  169. Abby

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i don’t mp3 player.

  170. Jexzzel Rose Benedicto Alcaraz

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because great music sends me to heaven 🙂

  171. Crystal Cruz

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i want to replace my old mp3.

  172. Gino Paolo Cruz

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I have no mp3 player atm. My phone got busted and cant play music. Thanks for the chance! <3

  173. Rosalinda San Diego

    I want to win because I need something that’s small but a powerful mp3 player

  174. Aliz G.

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I really want to have a cool gadget like it.

  175. Istin Dizon Paigna

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to awaken my hunger for music!

  176. Kisses Marie Pili Lumpas

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it easy to put into my pocket and fit to any pouch so I can listen to my favorite music anywhere! =)

  177. J Granada

    my son is passionate about music.

  178. Jenny Diaz

    I want to win the newKube Mp3 Player simply because i really love music!!!

  179. Edison Tenoria

    I want to win the newKube Mp3 Player because I’m a music lover, and I’m always a fanatic of Kube player! Love it!

  180. Kyrille Garcia

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i don’t have any music player

  181. fpjjr

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I actually feel more productive and empowered with music!

  182. kristine Pelayo

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player simply beacuse i love music and then you can take anywhere and super cute also 🙂

  183. Mikee Garcia

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because My Parents Run, They Need Music 😀

  184. Wilma Viguilla Garcia

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player for my daughter. I would like to give it to her as a birthday present. She really love listening to music wherever and she is also a musician – pianist and guitarist.

  185. joana kapsa

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because Smallest Player Can Deliver Crisp Sound

  186. Kimberly Camille Tiu

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I’m on the go with music!

  187. Agustin John Cabredo II

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I love portable and light gadgets

  188. Mark Oliveros

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because others can’t count words. I win!

  189. Reyhina Cabbab

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i want a new mp3 player

  190. Claire Santiago

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I wanna experience its power

  191. Henry Lacson

    I want to win this newkube mp3 because of it’s good audio quality perfect to my music, and also i love the small design very cool and unique 🙂 hope to have one!

  192. misshazelann

    I want to win the new Kube MP3 because I’ve heard so many good things about it. I want to experience Music Mondays using this gadget 🙂

  193. RubySalazarPapio

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i want to have a new style of mp3 like newkube mp3 player very tiny and handy… 🙂

  194. russell david

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because passion in music is favorite thing!

  195. Warren Alulod

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because small mp3s are my favorite gadget!

  196. Anita Camungay

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I love small things with capabilities

  197. Aileen Acot

    i want this KubeMP3 player because i love music…i feel peace while listening to my favorite song at the moment while I’m a stay home doing my hair bow business 🙂 hoping to have one 🙂

  198. Sheela Marie Castillo

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because even small things can change lives 🙂

  199. Michihiko Yasuda Jr

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because best things in life are free 🙂

  200. tweetymiah

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because A MUSIC Addict lives in me.

  201. Jackal Frazor

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it fits even on small pocket.

  202. Riyalyn Gatdula

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to have one!

  203. Mai Decena

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because It’s so cool & very cute

  204. marlene

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because

    best things come in small packages

  205. Liza Marie Valenzuela

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it produces boombastic and great sounds.

  206. Neri Marin

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because im addicted to music!

  207. Josephine Soliman-Gregorio

    I want to win the newkube MP3 Player because i cannot live without hearing music!

  208. dianne

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because im a music lover, emo sometimes and when im sleeping i go sound tripping alway’s and kube mp3 is awesome!!

  209. ralph

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its awesome little gadget that loves music

  210. Melissa Naomi Legara

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because music has been a part of my life and I would love this to add color to my music life!

  211. malu pascual

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its so awesome!so little but techy!:))

  212. Joel Trinidad

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i like playing music while traveling!

  213. Judith Solomon Albius

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I LOVE MUSIC .

  214. Mary Joy

    I love listening to music always.

  215. Leonardo Llagas

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this GADGET is my DREAM DEVICE

  216. Katrine Lao

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s my destiny to own this! 🙂

  217. Jennilyn Venzon

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this Mp3 player makes my Life entertaining and inspired.

  218. Laurence08

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this MP3 player suits my needs.

  219. Tenshi Manaois

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want an awesome looking mp3player

  220. Lloyd Partoza

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because without music my life is incomplete.

  221. Rosalinda San Diego

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this is all I need now!

  222. julio culala jr

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i love music on the go!


    Napanood ko ito sa Pop Talk and i’m sure pag nanalo ako, magiging POP din ito sa kin hehehe…..

  224. chelle barredo

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because It’s so cute and it’s fits me coz i’m a music lover. 🙂

  225. shandie

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its been a long-time seen i have my MP3 player

    • shandie


  226. Lorie Gel Ferrer

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I need a new mp3 player!

  227. Aileen Barcarse

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i’d like to own something cute.

  228. Franc Loise

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to be cool enough!

  229. allanoreyes

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I don’t have any money now.

  230. Rhea Juaton

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s cool and perfect for me.

  231. Girlie Camungay

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because my old MP3 needs a replacement.

  232. Rhea Liza Lirios Munoz

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i love music so much

  233. Joy Mesina-Bahia

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I am extremely intrigued by it.

  234. Winnie E.

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I always have wanted keeping one.

    re- commented..i realized i havent read the instruction 🙂

  235. JL Bac'z

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its cool.

  236. heyheyJEROMEismyname

    I really deserve this newkube mp3.. I’m a music lover..

  237. aiko borja

    I want to win the new Kube MP3 Player because it’s so cute outstanding and I’m a music lover too!

  238. Lea

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because music is an important part of my life.

  239. Jessamer Abing

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because of size, outstanding design, quality, features and performance

  240. Joanna Lou Velasco Tabara

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it could help me while I put my baby to sleep, I can play lullaby with its 6 hours of continiouos play.

  241. Winnie E.

    I want to win the newKube MP3 playersince I had been a portable player when I am on the go and when I am in the office to drown out the noise from other sources to help me concentrate at work 🙂 –> Winnie

  242. Mario Loumele Estrañero

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because music has always been my companion.

  243. Tinky guañez

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its the coolest thing ever.

  244. Pauchee Casimiro

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I don’t have an MP3 player.

  245. jagger_augustine

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its a compact music player!

  246. Mitch Carvalho

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because

    “it is perfect when I travel!”

  247. redg

    i want to win the newKube mp3 player because its so handy,i can easily use it anywhere.

  248. Bevs

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it is my perfect birthday gift.

  249. caryn morales

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it will be my birthday gift for hubby.

  250. Jenny Esplana

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I really LOVE LOVE LOVE MUSIC

  251. Ria Ramirez

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this is perfect gift for me.

  252. Diana Beatima

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to give it to my daughter who loves to sing and really a music lover.

  253. Carmina Aguilar

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its small but creates great smooth sounds.

  254. Roberto Cabbab Relayo

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i love listening to music

  255. Joy Cezar

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because It’s small yet packs a punch!

  256. Issachavez

    music is part of my life

  257. Guest

    music in part of my life

  258. Helen gatbonton

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i love music and i want it para gift ko sa anak ko this coming november

  259. Dongski Dong

    I want to win and give it as an additional gift to my daughter which starts to love music

  260. Lanie Pregoner

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i’m a music lover and I like that it’s small!

  261. Niño Mar Babiano

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s small and convenient to use.

  262. Crystal Marie Cañete

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I love music as my companion!

  263. Erika Rodriguez

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it looks very cute, and girly! 😀

  264. Krystle Gayle

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it is very handy, cute & cool!

  265. Shakirizza Cabrera

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because listening to music makes me smile!

  266. Angelica May Piñon

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s cute, portable, perfect for anyone!

  267. Steve del Castillo

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its cool,portable just like me!

  268. Cecille Azucena

    I want to win the newKube Mp3 Player because I simply love music this is my life 🙂

  269. Greta

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because they are fashionable,portable,and the best kind of MP3 I have ever seen.

  270. Greta

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I love to listen music wherever I go!

  271. Greta

    I want to win #newKube Mp3 Player because I never owned MP3 in my whole life 🙁 🙂

  272. Mary Ann Sanchez Cueto

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I love things with music!

  273. Eren Yaeger

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because my ipod is really busted now.

  274. Arwin Cobar

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it would be perfect for me! 🙂

  275. Gina Rogelio

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because music is cure for the soul.

  276. sheena

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it is a perfect travel companion

  277. Agustin John Cabredo II

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it is cool and it rocks!

  278. gymger80

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I’d like to listen to music while blogging! 🙂

  279. Cel Mendiola

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because Im very fond of listening to music

  280. Jung Seul Tae

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I am a true-blue musicholic❤❤❤

  281. Ana Razon

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this cute small mp3 player rocks! m/

  282. Ma. Clarice Lao

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because It is so cool. It is small but works great.

  283. Maki Yosh

    I want to win the NewKube MP3 Player because i’ll give it to my brother, he badly needs an mp3 since he’s a part of a band. 🙂

  284. Abigail

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s the smallest MP3 player around.

  285. Rosalinda San Diego

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this is all I need!!

  286. Lynlyn Pacatang

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player bec. it’s the BEST GIFT for my son COLY.

  287. Tere Decena

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its so convenient to use & i wanna try it. 🙂

  288. carla

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its cute and ready to use

  289. Yam Ongsioco

    i want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s a perfect gift for my hubby

  290. Say Yap

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s the BEST gift for my son!

  291. Niño Garcia

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s portable.

  292. Arjayssa Reyes

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it would be perfect for me! 🙂

  293. ferdinand_dti

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s
    ultra portable, cute and powerful!

  294. jonathan nava

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its nice and simple, i really need this small but big mp3 player.

  295. maydoll0513

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to kill my boredom! ^_^

  296. Jea Blancaflor

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because this is a heaven small mp3.

  297. Jhay Ramones

    I want to win the newKube Mp3 Player because i want to give this Awesome Player to a Special person to me. She loves Music and this player will appreciate her very much.

  298. Flor Ann Guarino

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s cute and I love music.

  299. arra carrasco-odeza

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its small but terrible mp3 player

  300. leizledemaisip

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I’d be at peace with music.


    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its handy and cute!

  302. Santelmo

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it is cute and very user-friendly.

  303. rica

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I want to experience something new.

  304. Bernadette Zareno-Balino

    I want to win newKube MP3 Player because it perfectly fits for me as a Music savvy… very handy and can bring anywhere you go…

  305. Eddielli Bungay

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I badly need and love music!

  306. Fely Cabbab Relayo

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because its cute and fit for me

  307. sherry ann gole cruz

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because im a mom who loves music.

  308. reginamaniquiz10

    want to win the newKube MP3 Player

  309. slither1004

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I love listening music. But it’s not only about music, having this newKube MP3 player is one thing I should be proud of because it’s the smallest MP3 to date. Love it. 🙂

  310. Ari

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because I love convenience with my music! 🙂

  311. cafevida

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s awesomeness in a small package 🙂

  312. leo garcia

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i’m a music lover. I want music on the go

  313. Lovely Joy V. Merced

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because it’s heaven in a little box!

  314. Kuya Jers

    I want to win the newKube MP3 Player because i drool over this cute mp3


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